Building Fund

Building Fund
Happy Hollow Christian Academy recently purchased land on Cross Justice Road in Irwinton and began construction on a building for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classrooms. In anticipation of growth moving forward, the school can also easily add two to four more rooms to the new building. Our goal is to pay for the current expansion so that the school can remain debt-free when the building is complete. The foundation and operation of this school is a service to the Lord, and we know He is faithful to provide and meet all our needs.
If you feel led to give, all donations are tax-deductible and can be made in person at HHCA 6am-6pm or through the donate button below with “Building Fund” specified in the message line.
Please continue to partner with us in prayer over our facility, students, staff and continuation of service in our community as well as share with friends and family about our school.
If you have any questions or would like more information about our facilities please contact our Fundraising Director, Hailey Fowler, at 478-946-0063 or